Thursday, September 4, 2014


Hello World,

Welcome to my blog. I have to admit that I have often thought I would start a blog, but was pretty intimidated by it. Then when I finally decided to go for it, I was overwhelmed by the task of choosing a name.

After several searches to find a name that suites me, and finding most of them to be taken, I landed on one that describes my life well. Five Hearts Full of Love. It represents the five people in my family whom I love with all my heart, my amazing husband, my three children, and myself.

So here we are. Hello internet! Thank you for having me. I hope this blog with give other moms encouragement and love. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by all those things out there that we are told we are "supposed" to do to be good moms. Let's all celebrate the fact that we are doing the best we can. We are putting our families first and striving to be as healthy and full of life as we are able to be.

Don't allow yourself to get inundated with the new trends of the latest fad diet or parenting technique. Let's take it back to the simple life. I am obsessive by nature so I when I see the next "best" or "healthiest" of "trendiest" thing out there, I feel the stress begin. I feel the desire to do all of these things and follow all of these different paths, but it always ends in failure because it's just not possible for the life I lead.

Instead I want to embrace who I am, who God has made me to be. I hope you will join me in accepting who YOU are and embracing that. Instead of trying to be someone else be the best YOU that YOU can be. I am on a journey of discovery, discovering who I am and all that God has in store for my life. 

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