Do you ever feel stuck? Almost like you are just passing through life waiting for something to happen? Wondering why you are living this life and going through the everyday "mundane" activities that make up your day?
As a stay at home mom I feel this way often. Let me preface this by saying that I love my husband and children. I love that I am able to stay at home with them and make meals for them and be here for them whenever they need me. I am so blessed that God has given me the responsibility to raise three amazing kids. I am so blessed to have a husband who loves me and loves our children.
But sometimes I feel stuck. I feel empty. I feel passionless. I see the people around me who are so full of passion for the things they are doing. My husband is the most passionate person I know. He is passionate about being a pastor and leading God's church. He passionately looks for ways to becoming better and more effective at what he does. I have many friends who are musicians and are passionately pursuing their dreams. I have friends who are teachers and work tirelessly to give their students an amazing experience every time they walk into a classroom. I have friends graduating from college and passionate about what is coming next. The thing that all these people have in common is that they seem to be constantly moving forward.
I feel like I am often standing still. Just waiting for the day to end and the next one to start. I am sure I am not alone in this in the world of stay at home motherhood. At least I hope I am not. So how can I change this feeling? How can I feel fulfilled with the stage of life I am in at this moment? I know it won't be forever. I know as my kids get older I will miss this stage and wish I could turn back time. So knowing that how can I stop feeling stuck?
The only answer I can find is to find my joy and contentment in Christ. My life isn't very exciting at the moment, but that doesn't mean it will always be this way. I can still be passionate like my friends. I can be passionate about my family. I can be passionate about providing a loving home for them. A home that is centered on Christ and the love He has for all of us.
I am not going to lie and say this is easy to do. It's not. I have to constantly remind myself that the everyday mundane isn't actually a bad thing. This is what life is much of the time. My children don't view it as mundane. They view it as having a mom who is there to send them off to school and home when they return. A mom who is there to make them healthy meals and watch them put on a silly show. They see the mundane as a mom who snuggles with them while they talk about their day. And a mom who tucks them in at night. These are the things they will remember and it will effect the way that they too become parents.
This doesn't take away my feeling of being stuck, but it does remind me that its not for nothing. AND hey its ok if mommy picks up a hobby or two along the way. I think I'll learn how to play the guitar...
I am so thankful I am not alone in this game of life. And every time I am feeling stuck I need to remember to go back to the only place where I feel at peace and at rest. And that place is at the feet of Jesus.